Nature Center and Forest Classroom

Our Nature Center and hiking trails cover over 20 acres of land. This provides a unique learning environment for our students and many opportunities to interact with God's creation through nature play. 

Our Forest Classroom is a large area within our Nature Center which offers our young learners a one-of-a-kind playing experience. The Forest Classroom offers shovels to dig, leaves to catch, and nature to see.  It is located along Summit Ave, just east of the old farm ruins.  The fenced-in area occupies what was once a pasture on the farm.  The pasture area is now covered with mostly walnut trees with some maple and oak.  The farm was settled in 1840 so our property has a lot of history to it.


In the photo above, can you see someone in the foregound?  This was taken on one of the nature trails that meander around our property.

Here are 3 videos from some of our trail cameras that help us learn about what lives in and around our property:





Winter Fun



Fair Weather Fun



